Friday, April 28, 2006

Event Manager Code - EventManager.cs

Here is the code for the main EventManager class.

There are a number of ways that I would like to improve the code, but just never have had the time. When I get a few free moments, I will discuss some of the enhancements that I would like to put in the code eventually.

// for MethodImplAttrbute
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// for ISynchronizer

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This code is (C) Copyright 2005 Marc Adler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace Magmasystems.EventManager
public delegate bool EventManagerEventHandler(object sender, string topicName, EventArgs e);

public class EventManager
#region Delegates

// Internal delegate used to help us fire async events
private delegate void AsyncFire(Delegate del, object[] args);


#region Variables

// The singleton EventManager
private static EventBroker _theEventManager = null;

// A Dictionary of EventManagerEventInfo classes, indexed by the topic name
private Hashtable _theEventDictionary = null;

private Hashtable _theWildcardSubscribers = null;

// Used to disabled and re-enable the firing of events
private bool _isEnabled = true;


#region Constructors and Static Instance

protected EventBroker()

// This is the way that the EventManager singleton is accessed
static public EventManager Instance
if(_theEventManager == null)
_theEventManager = new EventBroker();
_theEventManager._theEventDictionary = new Hashtable();
_theEventManager._theWildcardSubscribers = new Hashtable();
_theEventManager._isEnabled = true;
return _theEventManager;


#region Properties

private Hashtable Dictionary
// make sure that the dictionary and event manager are instantiated
return _theEventDictionary;

private Hashtable WildcardDictionary
// make sure that the dictionary and event manager are instantiated
return _theWildcardSubscribers;

public bool Enabled
get { return this._isEnabled; }
set { this._isEnabled = value; }


#region General Methods

static public void Register(object o)
Type type = o.GetType();

MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods();
foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods)
// if(mi.DeclaringType != type)
// continue;
object[] oAttrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach (object oAttr in oAttrs)
EventManagerEventInfo evInfo;
if(oAttr is EventSubscriberAttribute)
EventSubscriberAttribute evSubAttr = oAttr as EventSubscriberAttribute;
evInfo = FindTopicEntry(evSubAttr.Topic, true);
if(evInfo != null)
EventSubscriberInfo subInfo = evInfo.AddSubscriber(evSubAttr.Topic, o, evSubAttr.IsBackground, mi);
EventBroker.Instance._theWildcardSubscribers[evSubAttr.Topic] = evInfo;

else if(oAttr is EventPublisherAttribute)
EventPublisherAttribute evPubAttr = oAttr as EventPublisherAttribute;
evInfo = FindTopicEntry(evPubAttr.Topic, true);
if(evInfo != null)
evInfo.AddPublisher(evPubAttr.Topic, o);

static private EventManagerEventInfo FindTopicEntry(string topicName, bool createIfEmpty)
EventManagerEventInfo evInfo ;

topicName = topicName.ToUpper();
object oEventInfo = EventBroker.Instance._theEventDictionary[topicName];

if(oEventInfo == null)
// Allocate a new entry
evInfo = new EventManagerEventInfo();
EventBroker.Instance.Dictionary[topicName] = evInfo;
evInfo = null;
// Use the existing entry
evInfo = oEventInfo as EventManagerEventInfo;

return evInfo;


#region Ways to Fire and Event

static public void Fire(object sender, string topicName, EventArgs args)
if (EventBroker.Instance.Enabled == false)

EventManagerEventInfo evInfo = FindTopicEntry(topicName, false);
if(evInfo != null)
evInfo.Fire(sender, topicName, args);

foreach (object oKey in EventBroker.Instance._theWildcardSubscribers.Keys)
string keyName = oKey as String;
Regex regExp = new Regex(keyName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
evInfo = EventBroker.Instance._theWildcardSubscribers[oKey] as EventManagerEventInfo;
evInfo.Fire(sender, topicName, args);


#region Inner Class for EventManagerEventInfo

/// EventManagerEventInfo
/// This class represents information about a single event

public class EventManagerEventInfo
#region Variables

// Multicast delegate of all subcribers to this event
private event EventManagerEventHandler _eventHandler;

// The list of classes that publish this event
private ArrayList _publishers;
// The list of classes that subscribe to this event
private ArrayList _subscribers;


#region Constructors

public EventManagerEventInfo()
this._publishers = new ArrayList();
this._subscribers = new ArrayList();
this._eventHandler = null;


#region Events

public event EventManagerEventHandler EventManagerEvent
add { this._eventHandler += value; }
remove { this._eventHandler -= value; }


#region Properties

public EventManagerEventHandler EventHandler
get { return this._eventHandler; }

public ArrayList Publishers
get { return this._publishers; }

public ArrayList Subscribers
get { return this._subscribers; }


#region Methods

public EventSubscriberInfo AddSubscriber(string topicName, object objectRef, bool isBackground, MethodInfo mi)
EventSubscriberInfo subInfo = new EventSubscriberInfo(this, topicName, objectRef, isBackground, mi);
this._eventHandler += new EventManagerEventHandler(subInfo.OnPublisherFired);
return subInfo;

public EventPublisherInfo AddPublisher(string topicName, object objectRef)
EventPublisherInfo pubInfo = new EventPublisherInfo(this, topicName, objectRef);
return pubInfo;

public void RemoveSubscriber(EventSubscriberInfo sub)

public void RemovePublisher(EventPublisherInfo pub)


#region Event Firing

public void Fire(object sender, string topicName, EventArgs args)
// This handles the event firing to the SubscriberInfo class. In turn, the
// SubscriberInfo object will invoke the actual delegate. The SubscriberInfo
// object will determine whether the delegate shoul dbe called synchronously
// or asynchronously.
if(this.EventHandler != null)
this.EventHandler(sender, topicName, args);



#region Inner class for EventPublisherInfo

public class EventPublisherInfo
#region Variables

private EventManagerEventInfo _evInfo;
private WeakReference _objectRef;
private string _topicName; // the upper-cased name
private string _displayName; // used to generate context menus at runtime


#region Constructors

private EventPublisherInfo()
this._objectRef = null;

public EventPublisherInfo(EventManagerEventInfo evInfo, string topicName) : this()
this._evInfo = evInfo;
this.DisplayName = topicName;
this._topicName = topicName.ToUpper();

public EventPublisherInfo(EventManagerEventInfo evInfo, string topicName, object objectRef) : this(evInfo, topicName)
this._objectRef = new WeakReference(objectRef);


#region Properties

public WeakReference Publisher
get { return (this._objectRef.IsAlive == true) ? this._objectRef : null; }
set { this._objectRef = value; }

public string DisplayName
get { return this._displayName; }
set { this._displayName = value; }



#region Inner class for EventSubscriberInfo

public class EventSubscriberInfo
#region Variables

private EventManagerEventInfo _eventInfo; // ref back to the holding container
private WeakReference _objectRef;
private MethodInfo _methodInfo; // The method that the event firer should Invoke
private bool _isBackground;
private EventManagerEventHandler _delegateForAsync;

private string _topicName; // we may have wildcards
private bool _hasWildcards; // to help determine whether to use RegEx or not


#region Constructors

private EventSubscriberInfo()
this._objectRef = null;
this._isBackground = false;
this._hasWildcards = false;

public EventSubscriberInfo(EventManagerEventInfo evInfo, string topicName) : this()
this._eventInfo = evInfo;
this.TopicName = topicName; // use the property so that formatting is done

public EventSubscriberInfo(EventManagerEventInfo evInfo, string topicName, object objectRef) : this(evInfo, topicName)
this._objectRef = new WeakReference(objectRef);

public EventSubscriberInfo(EventManagerEventInfo evInfo, string topicName, object objectRef, bool isBackground, MethodInfo mi) : this(evInfo, topicName, objectRef)
this._isBackground = isBackground;
this._methodInfo = mi;

this._delegateForAsync = (EventManagerEventHandler) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof (EventManagerEventHandler), objectRef, mi.Name);



#region Properties

public object Subscriber
get { return (this._objectRef.IsAlive) ? this._objectRef.Target : null; }

public bool IsBackground
get { return this._isBackground; }
set { this._isBackground = value; }

public string TopicName
get { return this._topicName; }
set { this._topicName = FormatTopicName(value); }

public bool HasWildcards
get { return this._hasWildcards; }


#region Methods

private string FormatTopicName(string topic)
// We want to make things easy for matching publishers and sunscribers.
// 1) We always use upper-case topic names.
// 2) Replace the dots with slashes so that the dot is not taken as a regexp
// character by the pattern matcher.
// 3) Let us know whether this topic has a wildcard in it so we know whether
// to use the slow regexp matcher or the faster Equals operator.
if(topic.IndexOfAny(new char[] {'*'}) >= 0)
this._hasWildcards = true;

return topic.Replace('.', '/').ToUpper();


#region Event Firing

/// This gets called whenever the event manager fires an event.
/// This does the hard work in event firing. It eventually calls
/// the subscriber's delegate in order to process the event. it also determines
/// whether the delegate should be called synchronously or asynchronously.

public bool OnPublisherFired(object sender, string topicName, EventArgs args)
// If the object that this subscriber is bound to has been garbage-collected, then
// remove the subscriber from the EventInfo's subscriber list and return.
if(this.Subscriber == null)
return true;

AsyncFire asyncFire = new AsyncFire(InvokeDelegate);
asyncFire.BeginInvoke(this._delegateForAsync, new object[] {sender, topicName, args}, new AsyncCallback(Cleanup), null);
object oRet = this._methodInfo.Invoke(this.Subscriber, new object[] {sender, topicName, args});
if(oRet is Boolean)
return (bool) oRet;

return true;

private void InvokeDelegate(Delegate del, object[] args)
ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizer = del.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
if(synchronizer != null) // Requires thread affinity
synchronizer.Invoke(del, args);

// Not requiring thread afinity or invoke is not required

private void Cleanup(IAsyncResult asyncResult)



©2006 Marc Adler - All Rights Reserved

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